Incandescent bulbs loose a large percentage of their energy in heat loss and increase energy used by A/C systems. When doing a new installation or retrofit use enegy saving LED's which are available for a wide variety of applications. You'll save money each month, they have a clean flush look, are longer lasting and run cool. It's recommended to change to a Led trim kit if you are changing the bulbs in your hi hats because the trim kit will seal small openings in your hi hats which allow the cooled air to escape into your attic. Now your ac will cycle less and you'll recoup your investment faster.
With all the lightning and surges we get in our area it's advisable to have some sort of protection on your electronics and appliances. A popular type of protection is to have a surge breaker installed in your panel box. See the first 2 photos and you will say there is a surge protector installed, but which installation is correct. The one installed on the top or the one installed on the bottom. So lets take a closer look...
The surge is going to enter through the main wires, go through the main breaker and travel through all the circuitry before it passes through the surge breaker. It's basically not performing any function. See the position of the surge breaker after the correction is made and how the white wire is trimmed and has a smooth bend as it reaches the neutral bar. This will allow the surge protector to absorb the surge quicker and before it passes through all the circuits distributing power.